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Magic Square 2.0 by Daniel Arnold - Book

通常価格 ¥3,875
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With the support of the well-known Swiss magician Christoph Borer, Daniel Arnold presents you in this issue a completely new presentation ideafor the magic square:

The following advantages result from this new idea:

- The demonstration is customizable Create your own personal magic square to any topic that suits you, (e.g. sports, nutrition or finance)A sample routine including the presentation idea is explained in full in the booklet.

- The audience is actively involved in filling in the squares:
Version 1:
Your audience can freely choose the sum of the magic square to be calculated and additionally three numbers in the magic square.
Version 2:
Your spectators can freely choose four numbers in the magic square.

- The freely chosen numbers of the spectators can be completely arbitrary.Also zero and even negative numbers are possible.

- A simple formula that is easy to learnIf you don't want to learn the formula by heart, you can also hide itby an extremely clever method, which is also explained in detail

- no complicated arithmetic operations

- By an optical modification of the 4x4 square the presentation is notimmediately recognizable as a magic square.

Here is an excerpt from the foreword by Christoph Borer: "I was completely blown away when Daniel presented hisMagic Square in one of my workshops. It was entertaining, coherent, meaningful and amazing."

English language
36 pages
approx. 8x8 inches
  • -KD magic shop (ケーディーマジックショップ)-


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